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Dynamic Water Vapor Sorption and Relative Humidity

ProUmid는 상대 습도뿐만 아니라 흡착 측정을 위한 최첨단 고성능 제품을 제조합니다.

DVS Applications
수분 흡착 분석기(DVS) 응용 분야

수분 흡착 분석기(DVS)는 의약품 개발로부터 처음 활용하기 시작했습니다. 오늘날, DVS는 식품과 사료, 비료와 농화학, 미세 화학, 세제, 화장품, 건축 재료, 섬유, 고고학 또는 전자제품과 같은 다양한 산업 분야에서 표준 방법으로 자리매김하고 있습니다. ProUmid의 수분 흡착 분석기는 세계적인 연구자들과 제조업체에서 사용되고 있으며 이미 대부분의 실험실에서 표준 장비로서 활용되고 있습니다.

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제약 산업 Pharmaceutical Industry

In the pharmaceutical industry, materials get into contact with water in many different ways, for example during manufacturing steps such as crystallization processes, spray drying or wet granulation. Also, during storage and transport, pharmaceutical raw materials or final products are typically exposed to an atmosphere containing water vapor, causing interactions between solids and water. In multi-component formulations, water may also migrate between moist and dry ingredients. With regard to the compaction behavior during tabletting, a certain moisture content is required to obtain satisfactory products. In general, however, the exposure to moisture causes undesirable product changes. Therefore, it is of utmost importance for the development of new drugs to have comprehensive and detailed information on water-solid interactions and the influence of moisture on the physicochemical properties of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and excipients.

식품 연구 Food Research Applications

Water is one of the most critical constituents of food, as the moisture content – and in particular the water activity – influences shelf life, quality as well as physical and sensory properties. Examples are flowability, stickiness, crispiness or the texture of products, which vary depending on product moisture. A change both by increase and loss of moisture can occur during transport, storage, processing or handling of the product. Thereby the transfer of moisture can take place between individual ingredients or between the product and the environment. To characterize these effects in more detail, the method of dynamic water vapor sorption is widely used in food research in numerous applications.

건축 자재 Building Material Applications

The term “building material” covers a large group of different materials such as concrete, plaster, ceramics, wood, materials for thermal insulation as well as paints and varnishes. This heterogeneous group of materials is used in many different areas. Examples are construction, interior design or renovation of buildings. The interaction of these materials with water plays an important role in assessing the suitability of a material for a specific application.

In this context, dynamic water vapor sorption measurements are an effective tool. Results provide helpful information about the material behavior under certain environmental conditions with respect to temperature and humidity. In Research & Development, DVS analyses help to adapt new product formulations. Furthermore, ageing processes can be simulated under accelerated test conditions in order to estimate the durability of a material. In particular for building materials, ProUmid provides large sample dishes as well as a “Large Object-Kit”, a special sample carousel, to allow representative sample sizes and quantities.

Application Notes

Water vapor sorption of plaster

Water vapor sorption behavior of several plaster materials was measured. Measurements were performed in a Vsorp basic using the large sample dishes. Clear differences were found in their sorption behavior. This illustrates the importance of adapting the plaster formulation to the requirements of the intented use.

Literature references for building material applications with the ProUmid DVS instruments

Farjallah Alassaad, et al. “Impact of phase change materials on lightened earth hygroscopic, thermal and mechanical properties.” Journal of Building Engineering 41, 102417, 2021. DOI

Ferhat Benmahiddine, et al. “Effect of flax shives content and size on the hygrothermal and mechanical properties of flax concrete.” Construction and Building Materials 262, 120077, 2020. DOI

Tuan Anh Phung, et al. “Hygrothermal Behaviour of Cob Material.” Earthen Dwellings and Structures. Springer, Singapore, 345-356, 2019. DOI

Sandro Weisheit, et al. “Assessment of test methods for characterizing the hydrophobic nature of surface-treated High Performance Concrete.” Construction and Building Materials 110, 145-153, 2016. DOI

Horst Stopp, et al. “Passive hygrische Klimatisierung.” Bauphysik 38, 50-61, 2016. DOI

포장재•고분자 필름 Packaging Materials and Polymer Films

Packaging materials and polymer films are intended to provide a barrier against adverse climatic conditions to prevent the loss or adsorption of moisture by the packaged product. The decisive criterion here is the water vapor permeability. In addition, moisture adsorption by the packaging material itself plays an important role in ensuring its functionality. For that reason, knowledge of water vapor sorption and permeability is essential to adapt a packaging material to the respective requirements.

With the help of dynamic water vapor sorption analyses and the specially developed ProUmid Permeability Kit and the Large Object Kit these characteristics can be determined easily.

Application Notes